將軍澳中心x黃劍文 Stand by Kimman 演唱會發佈會

服飾及運動商戶: 6IXTY8IGHT, bossini.X, Dr. Kong, Heart of Luxe, HF Stadium, LEONA, R&K International, Stage of Playlord, STYLE by DF, Sugar Rose, 允記 美容商戶+: Benefit Cosmetics, Bioscreen 醫學美容, CANVAS, Dr. Koala, Glycel, 悟空のきもち, Haspero 桂圓美, LISA & SARA, MIN PLUS, MÍOGGÍ, New Beauty, NewBorn Mama Myths of Skin, OASIS Beauty, OP Beauty, Organic 有機護髮, SALON ANCA, 生肌 +購買產品之單據方可參加換領 眼鏡商戶: eGG Optical Boutique, 眼鏡88, The Optometry (OPT) Centre 視光師驗眼中心